Thursday, April 20, 2006

Batteries Included

So, how was my first experience with the concept of Batteries? It went well. As it was proposed, it was an opportunity to share. We were able to share in what was going on in our lives. We started with the mundane, the things of this world. Then we progressed to talking about the whole concept of Mens' Group that we are trying to implement. Next we shared our prayer requests with each other. Finally we prayed together.

One of the points we discussed was the implementation of the concept of Batteries. {A small group of 3-5 men that are to meet weekly to share, pray, and hopefully build strong brotherly, Christian, relationships.} Being the folow the rules type of guy that i am, I had just thought that everyone would form into Batteries as instructed at our first weekly large group meeting. Tonight it was brought out that since we weren't assigned to a Battery, some of the men might be hesitant to form in a Battery.

So, as so often is the concern in churches, how do we get people to participate fully? Should we try to limit the duration of the first formed Batteries and then reform new Batteries? Should someone be assigned to go from Battery to Battery, participating with them all to lend guidance?

I Jn 4:21 And this commandment we have from Him, that the one who loves God should love his brother also. (NAS)

How shall we do this? Can we, here in this congregation, make this concept of a Mens' Group "with Batteries included work to help us "love our brother"?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


can you post after a couple of weeks to let us know how the batteries are working? No pun intended.