Tuesday, April 18, 2006

New Concept

Nah! Not really! It is only new to me, perhaps new to the congregation where I worship. I am even sure that it has had some informal expression, but it is now being formalized. Okay, so what am I talking about?

We are instituting a Mens' group and study. The format is to be once a week meetings for the whole group. This will be an opportunity to study issues that deal with men. We are starting with a 7 week study on the importance of the role of men as leaders.
We are also forming smaller "batteries" of 3 - 5 men that will meet once a week. The purpose of these groups will be develop deeper friendships where we can share our concerns and joys about our lives. Man to man. As one of the elders said, It should provide an opportunity to confess our sins to one another in a more intimate, confidential forum.

I am looking forward to this opportunity to strengthen the brethren and myself. I am looking forward to strengthening friendships that allow me to confide to fellow male Christians. This last is very important to me, that these friends, that I hope I make more a part of me, are part of the family of God.

I don't intend to share confidences here, but I may share some of my self discoveries. I want to also share how this concept works and how it helps me with my walk as a Christian.

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