Monday, April 17, 2006

First Post

To start, about the title. I am blessed in so many ways by my Lord and Savior I can scarcely count them all. All the days of my life I will be counting, without the ability to earn, or deserve by my works, any and all of them. To that end, I want to be His servant, to do His work, to follow in His footsteps, and to take joy in His word. Without God, the sacrifice of His Son Jesus, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit I would not be who I am. Blessed Doulos is a prayer, too. I ask God to "Make me a servant, make me like You."

I do not know if I will be able to contribute anything of value or interest to the Blogoshere. Nor do I know if it will be read by many or few. This is something new to me. I have read the Blogs of others, even commmented on their postings, but to lay out my thoughts for others to examine will be new to me.

Where will I go with this? My job gives me interaction with all levels of society, some not so pretty. Most times I interact with people who are not at their best, who are frequently experiencing loss of some kind. Their are joyous moments, insprirational moments, and I will try to share them also. I may even go in some other, as yet unknown, direction!

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