Friday, May 12, 2006

Batteries - Charging

I have now been to 3 Battery meetings. This Battery is a small group that grew out of a Men’s study group with the expressed purpose of growing Christian friendships. Three meetings of the Battery is only a beginning, but I want to comment on where I see our group.

The first two Battery meetings was comprised of a group of three men. We had known each other for years, interacting mostly in church settings. We spoke and shared with each other at Sunday worship, Wednesday Bible classes, and while planning and working at a many church functions. But we had not really spent much time sharing concerns and intimacies that are the core of true friendships.

At our first Battery meeting we made an effort to not only be friendly, but to also open up ourselves by asking for prayers on more personal issues. We took time to discuss each of these prayer requests, not to judge or solve, but to offer emotional support. It is not that each of us did not know where to go for the answers, or that we did doubted that God is our answer. In my case I know what I needed to do and why I needed to do the right things. For me it was an opportunity to share and know that other men were concerned about my issues. It comforted me to know they would keep my concerns and issues in their daily prayers.

For the third Battery meeting we invited a fourth man to join us. This man has also been part of the sphere of our church for many years. He also has been involved in church activities including Worship, Bible Studies and participating in many other functions. For some reason it already seemed as though he needed to pass some sort of test of acceptance to our Battery. [ I do NOT speak of the thoughts others, only for myself! I would not presume to comment for them. ] We spent the entire time in pleasant conversation, even discussing some Church issues. We discussed the plight of a minister/evangelist at a nearby congregation dealing with family health issues. We discussed the substantial loss of support by a missionary working within our state. We did not discuss personal issues even to asking for updates on how things were going with previous concerns.

God tells us in 1 Corinthians 16:13 Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. (NASB)and 2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.(NASB)

I will strive this coming week to be more open with the fourth man in our Battery. I will strive to be more courageous and trust in God and His Church.

God tells us in James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much (NASB)

This, I believe, is the goal of these Batteries. That we may be more open in confessing our sins, praying for one another, that we may accomplish much. Not that we do these things for ourselves, but to the glory of God our Father.
I will soon comment on what I see happening with the rest of the men. How well other men are doing in forming Batteries and how well the men in Batteries perceive they are working.

1 comment:

JamesG3 said...

It's interesting how quickly groups of people adapt to the concept, however unconsciously, of "us" and "them". In this case, you noticed it was within three meetings. I'd guess that's pretty normal. I think the strength is that you noted it, and are willing to step up and help another brother find his way in.

(thanks for the's been a very rough week, and it ain't over yet)